Auberge de la pointe


Here you'll find answers to frequently asked questions that will help you plan your stay at the Auberge. If you don't find the answer to your question here, please contact us and we'll add it to this page!

What are the opening hours of the restaurant?

You can consult the schedules under each page of our restaurants by clicking on the following link:

How can I reach the restaurant?

You can contact the restaurant by calling 418 862-3514 or 1 800 463-1222.

Is a continental breakfast included?

No. There is NO continental breakfast included in the stay. However, the hotel's restaurant offers a delicious breakfast menu daily as well as buffets, depending on occupancy. You can add it to your package

Do you offer room service?

Upon request, we can provide this service. However, it is difficult to offer room service at peak hours in our restaurants. We prefer to offer it at the beginning of the service (5:00-5:30 pm) or towards the end end of the service (7:30-8:00 pm).

Do you offer an in-room movie rental service?

No. This service is not available at the hotel.

Is Internet access free?

Wireless Internet access is free in all our rooms, common areas, meeting rooms and in the restaurant. The password will be provided to you upon your arrival.

For packages with activities, should I pick up the tickets at the hotel or directly at the activity site?

Tickets must be picked up at the hotel reception upon check-in.

Can I change or substitute the inclusions in a package?

No; package inclusions cannot be changed or substituted, but items can be added.

How do I get to the hotel?

Our coordinates for your GPS are 10 boulevard Cartier, Rivière-du-Loup, Qc, G5R 6A1.

From Quebec City or from Gaspésie, use exit 507 and then turn right towards the river.

From New Brunswick, use exit 96, follow the indications for road 132 east.

What are the main points of interest near the hotel?

Our receptionists will be able to inform you of current attractions and events, but not far from the Auberge you have access to Parc de la Pointe and the Rivière-du-Loup marina where Croisières AML and Duvetnor depart. For hiking, the Kiskotuk Park in Cacouna and the Parc des chutes in downtown Rivière-du-Loup are a 5-minute drive away.